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2015-01-07 15:34:41 来源:

  i note that you have stated that you are unemplyed in china and that the main source of your foud is received through stocks and shares,in support of this i note that you have submitted a bank statement from huaxia bank which shows deposits of rmb 120000 between th 15th and 17th of february 2014. you have stated in your appliction form that you receive an income of RMB5000 a month and therefore the above depostis relate to 24 times your claimed monthly income being received inthe space of 2 working days. you are not shown how you have beenable to accumulate such a large amount of fouds which are not in line with your claimed monthly income .
  i am therefore not satisfied that you will be able to maintaim and accommodate yourself adequately out of resources available to you without recourse to public funds or taking employment ; or will, with any dependants,be maintained and or accommodated adequately by relatives or friends who can demonstrate they are able and intend to do so,and are legally present in the UK,OR will be at the time of your visit,
  i am therefore not satisfied that you can meet the cost of the return or onward journey.
  i am therefore not satisfied that you do not intend to live for extended periods in the UK through frequent or successive vistis.
  i am therefore not satisfied that you intend to leave the UK at the end of the period stated by you.
  i note that you have stated that you are single in china and although you have stated that your parents are resident inchina you have not provided me with any evidence of their where abouts of if you maintain any contact with your parents in china.you have also not shown me that you have any additional family with whom you maintain any contact in china.
  in line with the fact that you also do not have comfirmed form of employment this leads me to question if the reasons for your wanting to travel t6o china at the end of this visit are as strong as they should be.
  i am therefore not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry to the UK as a visitor for a limited period as stated by you.

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